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As part of our ongoing advocacy work, AIRAH is supporting efforts to restore confidence in Australia’s building industry through professional registration of engineers.

In 2018, the Building Confidence report noted “significant and concerning” problems in Australia’s building industry that were “likely to undermine public trust in the health and safety of buildings if they are not addressed in a comprehensive manner”.

A plan was put in place, with the top priority being that each jurisdiction set up a scheme for registering professionals involved in the design, construction and maintenance of buildings. This includes engineers.

Since then, states, territories and the Australian Building Codes Board – which has drafted a national registration framework to ensure consistency across jurisdictions – have begun implementing their schemes, and have been seeking input from industry in the process.

AIRAH is supporting professional registration schemes across the country via the AIRAH Professional Engineer Register (APER) accreditation program for mechanical engineer – HVAC&R building services professionals.

APER has been designed to meet the requirements of the state based engineering registrations schemes as they are released.

AIRAH Professional Engineer Register