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Advocacy / Focus areas / Professionalism and safety

Professionalism and safety

The HVAC&R industry operates under a wide range of legislation and regulatory requirements and regimes from all levels of government. AIRAH informs and works with all regulators to help bring an HVAC&R voice to the development of the environmental, energy, building, WHS, plumbing, electrical and health regulations that impact the HVAC&R industry.

Professional registration of engineers

AIRAH is supporting the establishment of professional registration schemes around Australia through its AIRAH Professional Engineers Register (APER) program. This is the professional accreditation for engineers operating in the HVAC&R industry and is designed to meet the requirements of the state-based schemes. We are also providing feedback to regulators to ensure that the regulations effectively support and strengthen Australia’s HVAC&R industry, as well as the wider building and construction industry.


Through our mentorship program, AIRAH is supporting the development of a high-quality, diverse and inclusive sector. The program assists our members in building relationships, strengthening industry, and creating cross-generational influence.

HVAC&R licensing

AIRAH supports a nationally consistent licensing scheme focused on the trade covering the applications of all refrigerants in all sectors, and that establishes refrigeration and air conditioning as a trade of its own, separate to electrical and plumbing. We represent the trade in state and territory consultations on occupational licensing.

Industry training

AIRAH is committed to providing the tools to advance the knowledge and skills of HVAC&R professionals via our education and training offerings, and raising awareness of changing legislation and regulatory requirements.

Recent professionalism and safety updates