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You may have noticed

We've changed our look

We recently rebranded and launched a brand new version of our main website. Read on for a full breakdown of the rebrand, and the reasoning behind why we've done it.

photo of Paul Jackson presenting a FoHVAC23 conference

We've updated our direction

Our new organisational direction has a stronger focus on advocacy, forming connections with other bodies within the built environment industry, and being more well-known within the general public for our input on conversations around sustainability, indoor air quality, building codes, and more.

photo of calico bag with old AIRAH logo

Why change?

Our old brand was causing some issues with the delivery of our digital services, didn't align with our new direction, and didn't provide the best first impression for people who hadn't had any interaction with AIRAH before.

Constructing the logo

The built environment

Permeation of air through the built environment

Leaf element to represent nature & sustainability

Combination of sustainability & built environment

Combination of sustainability & built environment

Sustainability and management of air within the built environment

Negative space creates additional design element

Logogram was constructed with precision and intent

How this will help

Flexibility for digital

One of the big drivers for the change was to leave us with a brand that's suitable for and easily applied across a wide range of digital applications. The new brand will allow us to provide better digital services for our members and non-members alike.

Alignment with direction

This new brand is much more closely aligned with our new direction, and will help indicate a sense of change for those who've known and worked with AIRAH for a long time.

Making a good impression

With this new brand, we're better able to make good first impressions amongst important stakeholders. It's important to present a professional image when making connections within the built environment industry, and when representing HVAC&R to the public.