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photo of two AIRAH board members together at a conference


Board Appointments

The journey to be appointed onto the AIRAH Board of Directors has a number of steps. Below is a summary of the key steps on that journey.

In addition to the process outlined here, please feel free to reach out to the AIRAH President or Chief Executive for a personal discussion or to help you answer any associated questions.

1. Review AIRAH's strategic objectives

Take some time to find out our organisation’s goals, objectives, and vision for the future.

2. Get involved with AIRAH

To support AIRAH’s goals and objectives, join one of the many AIRAH committees dedicated to our divisions, Special Technical Groups (STGS), or conferences/forums.

3. Review the Constitution

Gain insights into the context and structure of our organisation

4. Nominate and be appointed as an Associate Director

Each division and Special Technical Group is able to appoint one of their members to represent and contribute their group views as part of AIRAH's National Reference Group, and to attend the yearly National Convention.

5. Stand to be an AIRAH Board Director

As an Associate Director, you are eligible to nominate to stand for the three Board Director roles that are available at the yearly National Convention.